The Cannabis Testing Evolution



December 3, 2018

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  • Mandatory cannabis testing was introduced by the Colorado legislature in early 2015. With this new mandatory testing requirement came the necessity to define which analytical tests would be performed along which points of the supply chain for which types of products, and ultimately drive which technologies would be used to conduct these now mandatory tests. While botanical cannabis has long been tested in crime labs, and the Netherland's national medical program, the requirement for testing cannabis concentrates and infused products has only recently been required and the arena of cannabis testing still continues to evolve today. As new states begin to enact mandatory cannabis testing programs they are able to build upon what has been learned from predecessor states who have mandated testing before. They continue to evolve the thinking to ultimately create the framework for a robust, scientifically sound consumer protection system which uses testing to support accurately labeled and quality controlled products being brought to consumers. An overview of the testing methods that have both emerged and are now required will be provided.

    Dr Jeff Raber, CEO & CVO, The Werc Shop was speaking at the Science of Cannabis Online Symposium 2018.

    Analytical TechniquesCannabis Science

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