Real-Time Monitoring of Angiogenesis Using the IncuCyte® ZOOM Live-Cell Analysis System



July 27, 2016

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  • Time-lapse movie of vascular tube formation in a human co-culture model of angiogenesis. GFP labeled HUVEC (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) were grown in culture with human dermal fibroblasts in the presence of 4 ng/mL VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). GFP-HUVEC tube formation was continuously visualized and quantified over a two week period within a standard tissue culture incubator using the IncuCyte® ZOOM Live Cell Analysis System. The IncuCyte™ Angiogenesis software enables automated quantification of vascular tube length and branch points allowing measurements of vascular network formation and disruption in a 96-well assay format suitable for screening.

    Cell ScienceDrug DiscoveryImaging/Microscopy

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