Dr Malcolm Driffield interview in partnership with Agilent Technologies



January 10, 2017

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  • Fera is the UK National Reference Laboratory for Materials and Articles in Contact with Food. Food contact materials testing is used worldwide to make sure that food is not contaminated by the products it comes into contact with. At Fera we carry out food packaging testing and contact materials testing to ensure that your products comply with the appropriate regulations for food contact materials. Our work involves research, surveillance and targeted and non targeted analysis of known and unknown migrants. Analysis in complex matrices (foods, food simulants and food contact materials and articles) utilising a range of advanced chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques including headspace gas chromatography, GC-MS, LC-MS and time of flight (TOF)-MS. Staff are experts in policy and legislation, often being asked to speak at high profile global events in this area as well as in the analysis of these matrices.

    Analytical TechniquesFood and BeverageMass Spectrometry

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