Easy Nano-UHPLC for Proteomics Research



June 17, 2013

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  • Michael Andersen, a Nanoflow Systems Product Manager, talks about the Thermo Scientific* EASY-nLC 1000 Liquid Chromatograph that provides effortless split-free, nano-flow UHPLC performance up to 1000 bar with minimal investment. The EASY-nLC 1000 has dual in-line flow sensors before mixing, which gives uncompromising gradient precision. It is able to identify more peptides and increase productivity with higher pressure without compromising reliability and robustness. Intelligent Flow Control (IFC) during loading and equilibration provides robust performance and protects against blocked columns. Advanced Flow Control (AFC) during gradients provides outstanding reproducibility, sample to sample and over time.

    ChromatographyDrug DiscoveryFlow ChemistryProteomics and Metabolomics

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