"The World of epMotion": epMotion in a toxicology department



November 8, 2011

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  • epMotion offers a revolutionary way of pipetting. We wanted to know where epMotion is used so we visited an European laboratory. In Barcelona/Spain, we found Dr. Antonio Guzmán, head of toxicology department, and his team, who work for the international pharmaceutical chemical group called „ESTEVE“. Their job is to determine the potential adverse effects drugs can have on the experimental systems and on the human being. Thanks to epMotion the team is able to liberate manpower for more specific tasks. Do you want to join “The World of epMotion”? Invite the epMotion film team to your lab! Get all information on http://www.eppendorf.com/worldofepmotion!

    Analytical TechniquesChemistryFlow ChemistryImmunology

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