Cannabis Oil Purification and Contaminant Remediation



February 28, 2023

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  • Speaking at an Analytical Cannabis webinar in November 2022, Sabrina Didado, Founder/ and Biochemist of Cosmic Harvest, LLC , presented insights into the latest real-world solutions for cannabis oil purification and contaminant remediation with a focus on production-scale solutions. Talk abstract: With the influx of varying quality cannabis and hemp flower on the market today, proper processing is one of the most critical components of obtaining accurate and precise products for consumers to count on. Even for vertically integrated companies, the variation and unpredictability from plant to plant and harvest to harvest can greatly change the rigid and precision of the processing system. This webinar will provide insights into the latest real-world solutions for cannabis oil purification and contaminant remediation with a focus on production-scale solutions. Sabrina will briefly explain the different processes of cannabis extraction and the various steps involved to obtain a desired cannabinoid potency. Terpene isolation will also be mentioned briefly. Then, quality assurance will be discussed in detail and how important this step is to the end consumer. Different options for contamination remediation will also be mentioned, as well as preventative measures.

    Analytical TechniquesCannabis ScienceEnvironmental ScienceFood and Beverage

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