Trending with Impact: T-Cell-Targeted Immunotherapy for Recurrent HNSCC



August 19, 2021

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  • Oncotarget published this trending research paper on June 22, 2021, entitled, "A platform for locoregional T-cell immunotherapy to control HNSCC recurrence following tumor resection" by researchers from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hadassah and Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Earle A. Chiles Research Institute, Robert W. Franz Cancer Center, Providence Portland Medical Center, Portland, OR; Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, OR; The Oregon Clinic, Portland, OR. Abstract: Surgical resection of head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is associated with high rates of local and distant recurrence, partially mitigated by adjuvant therapy. A pre-existing immune response in the patient’s tumor is associated with better outcomes following treatment with conventional therapies, but improved options are needed for patients with poor anti-tumor immunity. We hypothesized that local delivery of tumor antigen-specific T-cells into the resection cavity following surgery would direct T-cells to residual antigens in the margins and draining lymphatics and present a platform for T-cell-targeted immunotherapy. We loaded T-cells into a biomaterial that conformed to the resection cavity and demonstrated that it could release T-cells that retained their functional activity in-vitro, and in a HNSCC model in-vivo. Locally delivered T-cells loaded in a biomaterial were equivalent in control of established tumors to intravenous adoptive T-cell transfer, and resulted in the systemic circulation of tumor antigen-specific T-cells as well as local accumulation in the tumor. We demonstrate that adjuvant therapy with anti-PD1 following surgical resection was ineffective unless combined with local delivery of T-cells. These data demonstrate that local delivery of tumor-specific T-cells is an efficient option to convert tumors that are unresponsive to checkpoint inhibitors to permit tumor cures. Press release - Sign up for free Altmetric alerts about this article - DOI - Full text - Correspondence to - Michael J. Gough - Keywords - head and neck cancer, T-cell, immunotherapy, biomaterial, intratumoral About Oncotarget Oncotarget is a bi-weekly, peer-reviewed, open access biomedical journal covering research on all aspects of oncology. To learn more about Oncotarget, please visit or connect with: SoundCloud - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - LinkedIn - Pinterest - Reddit - Oncotarget is published by Impact Journals, LLC please visit or connect with @ImpactJrnls Media Contact MEDIA@IMPACTJOURNALS.COM 18009220957

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