Accelerating Biotherapeutic Charge Variant Analysis With a New iCIEF-MS Platform



January 28, 2021

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  • In order to bring safe, effective protein therapeutics to market, in particular next generation molecules, biopharma development scientists need to analyze critical quality attributes at the intact protein level. Key among these quality attributes are charge variants, which are commonly analyzed by imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (iCIEF). This technique has substantially impacted biopharmaceutical development through its high-separation resolution and minimal development time. However, iCIEF lacks direct peak identification, requiring subsequent analysis across multiple systems. In this webinar, we introduce a new, innovative solution to separate and simultaneously identify acidic and basic charge variants for monoclonal antibodies, all within a 15-min assay. By implementing the recently launched Blaze system, which uses a microchip-based icIEF separation with an on-chip ESI tip, and directly coupled to the SCIEX TripleTOF 6600 mass spectrometer, we will demonstrate how scientists can attain icIEF-MS mAb results, including separation and characterization of low abundance proteoforms, to accelerate the development of biotherapeutic drugs.

    BiopharmaMass SpectrometryProteomics and Metabolomics

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