Getting Down in the Weeds: A brief overview of the technical and regulatory landscape of pesticide analysis in cannabis



November 28, 2019

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  • The supply chain related to cannabis is complex and far reaching. Even large, vertically integrated businesses commonly undertake toll processing and contract formulation on behalf of clients or do not maintain sufficient control of raw materials. These activities can expose equipment, facilities, and finished products to contamination with agrochemical residues.

    The methodology required for defensible detection and quantitation of chemical residues is highly advanced, costly, and time consuming in comparison with other common testing. “Down in the Weeds” is a saying many chemists use to refer to the particular brand of painstaking experiments required to fully understand the behavior of chemically diverse trace level analytes in complex matrix.

    Validation of these methods also requires a unique approach. Regulations and guidance documents specific to cannabis are often not formulated to address the special issues associated with using high performance chromatography-mass spectrometry instruments for chemical residue analysis.

    In this webinar we will be discussing:

    • Points of contamination and the importance of securing the supply chain
    • Ongoing efforts for consensus method development and regulatory considerations
    • Available technology for sample preparation and analysis including specific advantages and
    • Validation, defensibility, and data quality as it relates to pesticide residue analysis

    Cannabis ScienceChromatographyMass Spectrometry

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