Drug Lead Discovery: Fragment Screening and Characterization Using Multiplexed SPR



March 17, 2017

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  • "For more info, visit http://www.bio-rad.com/yt/15/proteonwebinar. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has been used to characterize biomolecular interactions for over twenty years, providing valuable data for the selection of candidate molecules with therapeutic potential. With the improved instrumental throughput and development of collective know-how, SPR technology has become an essential tool utilized throughout the entire drug discovery process. Fragment-based lead discovery (fragment screening) has been increasingly used for finding lead compounds as part of small molecule drug discovery process. It is based on identifying small chemical fragments, which may bind only weakly to the biological target, and then combining or ‘growing’ them to produce leads with higher affinities. The analysis of many interactions in parallel using the ProteOn™ XPR36 system offers several advantages over conventional SPR for fragment screening, including increased productivity and performance as well as the ability to conduct rapid comparisons of different experimental conditions. Presenter: Olan Dolezale, Ph.D. CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies http://www.bio-rad.com/evportal/destination/product?catID=cfcf89c2-a3c9-454d-857c-4bb2f156f924&WT.mc_id=yt-pfd-ww-proteonxpr36-20130624-WWziTdFFDu0"

    Drug Discovery

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