Exploring One-Shot Kinetics and Small Molecule Analysis



March 15, 2017

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  • "For more info, visit http://www.bio-rad.com/yt/12/proteonwebinar. David Myszka, a pioneer in biosensor research, relates how Bio-Rad's ProteOn™ XPR36 protein interaction array system is used to characterize biomolecular interactions. With a single injection into the ProteOn system's crisscross flow system, response data was collected for six concentrations of each analyte over six target protein surfaces. This One-shot Kinetics approach to kinetic analysis improves throughput while generating high-quality data. Prof. Myszka introduces the features of the ProteOn XPR36 system and describes how data are obtained, analyzed, and interpreted, using the work with a set of small molecule–enzyme interactions in his laboratory as an example. The results illustrate the potential of this parallel-processing biosensor to increase the speed of kinetic analysis in drug discovery and to expand the applications of real-time protein interaction arrays. Presenter: Prof. David Myszka Center for Biomolecular Interaction Analysis University of Utah http://www.bio-rad.com/evportal/destination/commerce/product_detail?catID=ea380548-08ca-4b4e-896b-87e5580ac411&WT.mc_id=yt-pfd-ww-proteonxpr36-20130129-35RLVrC8VgI"

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