DM/PK Analysis with iTaq™ Universal SYBR® Green One-Step Kit and PrimePCR™ Assays



March 10, 2017

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  • "For more info, visit This video demonstrates the use of the iTaq™ Universal SYBR® Green One-Step Kit and PrimePCR™ assays for in vitro drug metabolism enzyme expression analysis in conjunction with cell lysates and pre-validated assays. When used together, this simplified qPCR workflow will reduce your time to results while providing data comparable to traditional qPCR methods that involve RNA purification and separate cDNA synthesis. Bio-Rad PrimePCR assays for real-time PCR are expertly designed PCR primer and probe assays for gene expression analysis, copy number variation, and mutation detection that are experimentally validated for guaranteed assay performance."

    Analytical Techniques

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