Accurate Quantitation of all Cannabinoids in a Single Analysis Using an IROA-based Method



June 15, 2020

The quantitation of all of the cannabis contributed materials allows one to produce an overall complete chemical profile of any cannabis-related product. The IROA Cannabis TruQuant approach introduces hundreds of Cannabis isotopic internal standards into every sample so they may all be quantified. The quantitation will be exact for the major compounds and relative for minor compounds. In addition, in order to assure correct compound identification a Long-term Reference Sample is provided that serves both verifiable chemical identification, and a complete QA/QC for instrument performance. Dr Chris Beecher presented this fascinating talk at the Analytical Cannabis Online Expo back in April 2020.

Analytical TechniquesCannabis ScienceChromatographyMass Spectrometry

Analytical Cannabis Online Expo 2020

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